Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Project Fallout - Breakout Avenue K

Project Fallout - A sobering Experience

Riding the high from the  Mr. Oswald room, we came back for second serving the very next day. I have to say that this was becoming a very expensive hobby but it was almost as if we were addicted to it. We wanted to play The Westwood Murder but the staff told us that they will not allow 2 people to play as it will be impossible to solve the murder. So, we agreed to try the Project Fallout which was the newest room there.

The back story given was a tad bit confusing but here it goes. We are a duo of scientist who were abducted (again.... for some reason, I keep paying money to be abducted over and over again :) ). We were being interrogated by some governmental authority for our alleged involvement in the creation of a weapon of mass destruction. 
Following to the trend as most of the rooms here, we were handcuffed. They surely love handcuffing people at Breakout. Perhaps, the bosses have a thing for handcuffs... Anyways, we were cuffed to a system of poles and we were placed in different booths. We had to find a way to work together to move the poles and unlock ourselves. The clues were around us and we had to look around and find the answer. So, for those of y'all who are short sighted... Please bring your glasses. 
Upon releasing our self from the handcuffs, we had to solve a few puzzles and I have to admit that by Breakout's standard it was rather easy. One of the answer was blatantly written on the board. All you had to do was just read the board. We couldn't believe our eyes as we didn't expect that sort of ease.
In their defense, this was the easiest room there anyways. Despite the ease, they manage to give the room the needed boost for the final part. Upon reaching the final stage, we were given the option of an alternate ending. The path to the final puzzle was fun and tiring as it required some serious physical exertion. At the end, we choose the ending which we feel that everyone will take as the other option didn't make any sense.

We opened the final door with 25 minutes to spare and we felt as if the room didn't do justice to a franchise which we did look up to. We thought that they were the trail blazers and we expected more. My review probably will be different if this was the first room we played as our expectation couldn't be any higher. But as what people say....Hind sight is always 20/20. Anyways.. please click here or scroll for the score card.

Room Theme
Thrill/Fear Factor
Story-line Flow

I have to emphasize that the room scored rather poorly due to our sky high expectation and the RM 50 per pax price tag. But if you are a novice looking for an introduction into the crazy world of escape game and you have some spare change... This may be the room for you. Nevertheless.. we shall be back for Westwood Murder....

Monday, November 3, 2014

Mr. Oswald's Greatest Show - Breakout Avenue K

Mr. Oswald's Greatest Show - Creepy Marionette Challenge 

We were so mesmerized by the Hocus room that we really wanted to come back as soon as we can. However, we wanted to pace ourselves as Breakout only has 5 rooms. Anyways, long story short.. We couldn't wait any longer and we made booking for the Mr. Oswald's Greatest Show.

The staffs there recognized us and they were rather friendly. We spoke to one of the owner and he told us that he actually wanted to issue real tickets for this room; as if one is actually buying tickets to watch a show. And he also wanted to place a staff dressed for the occasion as the gate keeper at the room. But, they had some reservation in the execution and they scrapped it. It's a shame though as we felt that the idea was very novel and creative. 
As for this room's story, we were apparently abducted by Mr.Oswald and we had 60 minutes to breakout. If we don't he will turn us into a marionette. We were brought into the room and handcuffed onto a chain which was connected through a cage. The setting for this room was mind blowing. The team had really thought things through as they created a scene as if a whole set of puppets were watching us perform. Although the audience were made of a set of puppets, the music and the puppets reflected an extremely eerie feeling.
We had to solve a few puzzles while still shackled to the cage. We had to find a set of clues using a system of pulley and line. The entire experience was really cool and one had to experience to actually appreciate it. On one of the puzzle we had to dance to the tune that was given in the music on the background. Upon opening the first door we went to second door and finally got those dreadful handcuffs off. The second was a lot different to the first room but it was equally exciting. They room had a lot of puppet body parts strewn around and the Professor kept emphasizing that the room was very very weird.

As expected, the room had a final twist that we didn't see coming. I will not spoil the experience for y'all by giving any spoiler away. Since it was just the 2 of us, the final leg was very hard. Nevertheless, we managed to break out with 18 minutes to spare. We had a huge grin as we felt extremely satisfied as this room tested us physically and mentally. Lo Behold the scorecard!

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


Well, we have found the first 9 star room and Mr.Oswald did indeed perform the greatest show!! On to the next show people!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Slaughter House - Escape Room Curve

Slaughter House - Bloody, Gory "Mess"

After the spooky yet thrilling experience in The Secret Lab, we decided to try the Slaughter House. Come on... The name itself describes the mess that we are about to see in this room. This room was rated to be a 5 star room which means it is the most difficult room there is. I was a bit skeptical but the Professor but wasn't deterred. She told me that we have to try it and she had the confidence that we can do it.

The staff told is that we were abducted by Dr. Malcolm and we had 45 minutes to breakout or he will kill us... I don't know why Dr. Malcolm is the villain in most of the rooms in this franchise. I don't know what they have against the name Malcolm... The only famous Dr. Malcolm that the world know is Dr. Malcolm X... The man who fought for the rights of African Americans in America. I doubt the Escape Room team has any beef with him. Anyways.. back to the game.
The first room was really creepy. Blood was splattered all over the room and there was this really creepy music playing in the background. For one of the puzzle we had to guide a laser to a hidden sensor. It was really hard but interesting. Upon solving the puzzles in the first room we had to open a room which looked like huge freezer. Despite knowing that it was just a game, I have to admit that it was scary to open the freezer. The professor stood a few meters away when I swung the doors open.
The scene in the room was very eerie and it really fit the theme of a slaughter house. I don't mean to give any spoilers away but I have to say that get ready for numerous bodies hanging from the ceiling. Not for the faint of heart, people!!!

At one point, we had to listen to a recording of the killer. We had a tough time hearing what he was saying but when we finally got it, solving the puzzle was rather easy. Solving the final puzzle was one of the most fun that we have ever had. We had to rely on our Maths skill as we had to solve a simultaneous equation. It felt as if we were having a calculus test surrounded by dead bodies. Anyways, we broke out with 22 minutes to spare. 
The staffs were surprised that we broke out with that time as this was a 5 star room and there were only the 2 of us. For some reason we wished that the room was a bit more extensive as we were expecting more. Check out the Scorecard.

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


The Fear factor in this room is what carried the room. The puzzles were okay and I liked the link in some of the puzzles. The room scores very high on the theme as it really felt as if we were really in a demented slaughter house. Off the Slaughter House and on the next one!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Secret Lab - Escape Room Setiawalk Puchong

The Secret Lab - Spooky & Eerie

One of our friend wanted to join us on our latest craze and we decided to try a room at Escape Room Setiawalk as it was close to my friend's place. We booked The Secret Lab as the staff told us that the room is scary and difficult. 
The thing about Escape Room franchise is that they don't put much focus in the back story and the flow. It may be okay for most but for those crazy junkies like us feel as if something is lacking from the entire experience.

Anyways, we were locked behind with some story about how the lab is doing some crazy experiments of human. It sounded very unappealing but we knew not to expect more. The first room was brightly lit and it was very expected considering the theme. This was the first time we had 3 people solving puzzles and we needed to sort some communication issues that we were having.
Upon solving the first room we got into the second room which was almost pitch black. It was a nice touch as the contrast was very unexpected. The first puzzle in the second room was rather difficult as we had difficulty seeing. The puzzle was challenging as we had to see colors when the room was almost dark. 
The final room was the scariest room that we had walked in. One should understand that there are 2 types of fear... One is the in your face, gory, bloody type. The second one is the physiological fear that creeps under your skin... You know the type that makes the hair on neck stand up. Well.. this room has both the elements mixed into a spooky concoction. 

The room is also booby trapped.. Our friend was so spooked that he screamed like a little girl. The final puzzle required us to remember our Biology class and we surprisingly struggled. Nevertheless, we broke out just in time with 3 minutes remaining. The room really did surprise us and we didn't expect to enjoy it as much as we did. Here's the spooked out Scorecard.

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


This was the first room which we played that had a horror theme and we were "pleasantly" spooked. The Professor still hears the screams of the little girl every time we discuss the room. Well, stay tuned for more Escape Chronicles in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Chamber of Hocus - Breakout Avenue K

Chamber of Hocus - Trapped forever!!!

Hocus Pocus Hocus Pocus... We were so hooked by the poster that we were so eager to play the room. I know that I have said this before, but the Breakout team deserves the credit for creating posters that are so unique and attractive. It's obvious that they have put in a lot of effort into this and their hard work has paid off. In my last post, I forgot to blog regarding the pin system and the avatar concept that Breakout has. They allow us to choose the avatar that we want and each of the avatar has his own power.  You can read more about the avatars on this page. http://www.breakout.com.my/characters/ 

Anyways, back to the room. The staff briefed us on the room and gave us the intriguing back story. Apparently we are a team that we were looking for a magician who is also a serial killer. He kills the victim by casting a spell that will turn the victim into mannequin. That was enough to get our mouth watering and we couldn't wait to get started. 
The room was well divided and the decor was really really good. I have to emphasize on this as they really have spent their time and effort to put decor that is related to the theme. The puzzles had a mix of logic and mechanical logic attached to it. We were so stumped on the first puzzle that we had to use the first hint within the first 10 minutes. When we got the solve, we were so puzzled on how we didn't see that coming.
Well, we picked up speed and tried our best to make up for the lost time. The final room was so elaborate and beautiful that we didn't feel like leaving, There were more than multiple WOW factor... Especially the final reveal which truly knocked our socks off. We didn't see that coming we really appreciated the different approach that this team has taken. Instead of the entire room being driven by number and combination locks, this room has mechanical and unexpected locks as well.
We didn't manage to break out within the time limit and we asked the staff to explain the final puzzle. We were rather disappointed at the fact that we were trapped but we just didn't see the answer coming at all. Now, we are looking at the prospect of spending a lifetime behind bars...

As usual, here's scorecard.

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


As of this writing, this is the best room that we have played we feel that the Breakout team has brought another dimension to the escape game market in Malaysia. Well done and props to your designers! Stumped but not defeated... Adios!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Infinity - Breakout Avenue K

Infinity - Handcuffed Co-Op Mission

We were just walking around Avenue K when we discovered Breakout. The outlet is well designed with enough mystic to call you in. We were with 2 more friends of ours and we decided to give it a go. For those who haven't been to Breakout, you must know that they have mastered the art of posters. Their poster designs are to die for and we really wanted to play the Chamber of Hocus. Unfortunately, the room was fully booked and we settled for Infinity.

Although the concept of escape games are pretty straight forward, but we can see that the team has taken significant effort to differentiate itself from the competitors. The staff took his time to explain the room and what we were doing there. He gave a rather detailed back story and handcuffed us 2 to a team. The teams were then split and put in separate rooms. I have to emphasize that these were solid metal handcuff. None of those flimsy plastic ones. It was kinda cool to be handcuffed as it really felt as if we were in trouble.

We were placed in a labyrinth of rooms and we had to find our way to gather in the same room. The rooms were tiny and was filled with observational clues. the clue that we found was for the other team and their clues were for us. We had to find alternate means of communication as there was blaring music which made speaking/shouting pointless.
The decor of the rooms were extremely basic but for some reason it made sense. One of the novelty of breakout was the means of getting help. You had to sms the team using the phone that was provided by the team. The team will then slip an envelope with the answer. It was kinda cool as it maintains the feeling of being stuck with no help.
The handcuffs which we thought were kinda cool became a huge hindrance as we had to be handcuffed for most of the game. Nevertheless, the handcuffs and the fast blaring music added to the thrill of trying to break out. After laboring through numerous rooms in circles, we eventually found our way to meet each other. After solving one last puzzle, we broke out with 15 minutes to spare. One thing to remember about this room is, Door Stopper is your friend!!!
Here's the Infinite Scorecard.

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


We enjoyed the room very much as it was challenging as well as thrilling. I can't help to think that this room with be perfect room to build comradeship and for team building. Anyways, till we meet the next time... I need to ice my bruised arm.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Wonderland A Magical Adventure - Berjaya Times Square

Wonderland - Simple with an Unexpected Twist!

Since it was the Professor's birthday, we were told that she gets a free game and as we were very unsatisfied thanks to the Vampire room, we decided to try another room. The only room available was the Wonderland room. Initially we thought that the room will be a bit childish but we were assure that the room is challenging enough for adults. Since I got to play the part of Jack Sparrow, the Professor got to relive her childhood playing Alice. Not literally... But y'all get the drift right?

I decided to the blog this entire chronicle from the third person. So Alice (Professor) and Mad Hatter (Captain) decided to try this room land after all. Apparently they were transported to an alternative land after eating a suspicious brownie :) 

This room land had a few doors to be solved to get out.
They did not find any rabbits or evil queen but they did find the first puzzle to be rather straight forward. Upon solving that they came across a puzzle that did puzzle them. They were so lost that they needed the help of the secret elves of that land.
The land was designed well and it did feel as if that we.. I mean that felt as if they were really stuck in wonderland. The wow factor of this land was at the end where a magnetic sensor was used to unlock the final door. They had to play a life size version of a famous board game and they needed to solve the puzzle to get the correct position of the magnetic sensor. The funny part was they didn't realize that the final door was triggered open and they kept trying to solve it. Finally, Alice tried to feel the final door and she realized that the door has been open for at least 15 minutes. So, both Alice and the Mad Hatter skipped away back to reality with a total time of 37 minutes. 
The room was interesting and the final wow factor pushed the room from below average to above average. The room was well decorated and brightly lit as if one was actually in a Wonderland. However, we.. I mean they felt as if that the room is much more suitable for teens and pre teens. Adults might be bored.. unless they found that suspicious brownie :)  Upon coming back to reality, they unveiled the scorecard. 

Room Theme


Thrill/Fear Factor


Story-line Flow


The final wow factor was the main highlight of the room but we felt that the room was a bit too kiddish for us. Nevertheless... Happy Birthday Alice... I mean Professor...:) Stay tuned for the next Chronicle....